Europe Nuclear Energy & SMR Conference

ENES 2024  |  Nov. 13-14th, 2024  |  Prague, Czech Republic

Conference News
Satu Katajala, Director of WANO Paris Center to Share How to Build Workforce for New & Operating NPP in Europe
2024/07/24 author: click:44


Satu Katajala, Director of WANO Paris Center to Share How to Build Workforce for New & Operating NPP in Europe

Europe Nuclear Energy & SMR Conference (ENES 2024) | Nov. 13-14th | Prague, Czech Republic

(Elevating Europe's Energy Landscape with Nuclear Power: Secure, Sustainable, and Innovative.)

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>> Special Early Bird Discount before June 30th, 2024

8% discount for Sponsor, USD 300 discount for delegate

There are several countries in Europe are pushing forward of large NPP new building projects, and SMRs deployment, such as: Czech Republic, Poland, France, Slovakia, Netherlands, Romania, etc., which we believe that several projects will have substantial progress during second half of 2024.

Besides the challenges of funding, right processes and tools, continuous improvement in talent development is also essential. Values such as constant learning, striving for better standards, a strong capacity for reflection, long-term goal setting and a talent pool are indispensable. 

Do these hot countries have enough qualified workers to boost the planned NPP new build projects? What are the current availabilities of talent in the field of localized manufacturing & services, and purchasing of international reactor vendors, components or services?

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Recently, Satu Katajala, Director, WANO Paris Centre has confirmed to join the Europe Nuclear Energy & SMR Conference 2024 (ENES 2024), Nov. 13-14th | Prague, Czech Republic (ENES2024) as Panelist to discuss “Skilled Workforce Required for the Growth and Success of Local Nuclear Industry and Effective Training Strategy.

Mrs Katajala was appointed as Paris Centre Director of WANO on Oct. 27th, 2023, and effective as of January 1st, 2024 for this position. She has more than 30 years of experience in nuclear operations and radiation protection. Starting in 1990 at Loviisa and starting in 1991 at TVO as Radiation Safety technician, from 1995 her positions at Fortum’s Loviisa NPP included Radiation Safety Officer, Nuclear Safety Engineer, RP Engineer, RP Manager, Head of Safety and Site Vice-President of Loviisa NPP.

The World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) unites every company and country in the world with an operating commercial nuclear power plant to achieve the highest possible standards of nuclear safety.

Based in London with regional centres in Moscow, Atlanta, Tokyo and Paris, WANO cuts across political barriers and interests. The organisation exists purely to help its members accomplish the highest levels of operational safety and reliability. This is achieved through a series of programmes which include peer reviews, technical support and access to a global library of operating experience.

 To Be Speaker

Part of Inviting & Confirmed Speakers

Government & Regulators

· Kadri Simson, European Commissioner for Energy, European Commission

· Aline Des Cloizeaux, Director of the Division of Nuclear Power in the Department of Nuclear Energy, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

· Olivia Oddi, Associate Director, Nuclear Safety Department, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

· William D. Magwood, IV, Director-General, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency

· Tomáš Ehler, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Industry & Trade, Czech Republic

· Stanislav Travnicek, Chairman of the Regulatory Board, Energy Regulatory Office (ERO), Czech Republic

· Miłosz Motyka, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Climate and Environment, Poland

· Andrzej Glowacki, President, National Atomic Energy Agency (PAA), Poland

· Bruno Le Maire, Energy Minister, Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, France

· Pierre Bois, Deputy General Director, Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN), France

· Mikulas Turner, Director General, Department of Regulatory Activities and International Relations, Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic (UJD SR)

· Donald Urquhart, Executive Director of Regulation and Deputy Chief Nuclear Inspector, Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR), United Kingdom

· Rob Jetten, Minister for Climate and Energy Policy, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, Netherlands

· Péter Szijjártó, Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Hungary

· Dan – Dragoș Dragan, State Secretary, Ministry of Energy, Romania

· Nikolay Nalbantov, Director, Energy Strategies and Policies for Sustainable Energy Development, Ministry of Energy, Republic of Bulgaria

· Sigitas Rimkevicius, Director, Lithuanian Energy Institute, Lithuania

· Igor Sirc, Director, Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration

Utilities & Operators

· Petr Závodský, Director Nuclear Power Plants Construction, CEZ, a.s.

· Piotr Piela, Vice President of the Management Board, Polskie Elektrownie Jadrowe(PEJ), Poland

· Thierry Le Mouroux, Executive Director,  Projects and Construction Department, EDF

· Ireneusz Fąfara, President of the Management Board, Chief Executive Officer, Orlen, Poland

· Ing. Roman Sporina, Chief Executive Officer, Jadrova energeticka spolocnost Slovenska (JESS), Slovakia

· Sándor Rátkai, Head of Ageing Management Section, MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd, Hungary

· ULC-Energy, Netherlands

· László Gábor Kiss, Program Director, Paks II. Nuclear Power Plant Zrt, Hungary

· Mircea Preda, Senior Operations Manager, SN Nuclearelectrica S.A., Romania

· Michal Šnaider, NPP Construction Expert, Elektrárna Dukovany II. a.s., Czech Republic

· Janez Krajnc, Adviser to the Management Board, Nuklearna Elektrarna Krško (NEK), Slovenia

· Toni Hemminki, CEO, Fennovoima Oy, Finland

· Kalin Boyanov Filipov, Vice-Chairperson and Member of the Board of Directors, Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), Bulgaria

· Boris Krasimirov Yankulov, Group Manager - Technology and Construction, Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant - New Build Plc, Bulgaria

· Alexandru Vișan, Chief Operating Officer, Nuclearelectrica, Romania

Large Reactor & SMRs

· Zach McDaniel, Director, Partnerships and Grants, Westinghouse

· Nicolas Machtou, Director of the New Nuclear Program for France,  EDF

· Insik Park, Executive Vice President of Overseas Business Division, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP)

· Johan Hallén, Director, Westinghouse Electric Sweden

· Sean Sexstone, Executive Vice President for Advanced Nuclear, GE Hitachi

· Alain Tranzer, Group Executive Director, Directorate of Engineering and Supply Chain, EDF

· Roman Zdebor, Nuclear Czechia Branch Director, EDF

· Xavier Coll, Managing Director Westinghouse Spain/ SVP Outage & Maintenance Services EMEA, LATAM and ASIA, Westinghouse

· Rob Sisk, Director SMR Licensing, Westinghouse SMR

· Drocourt Damien, Procurement and Supply Chain Chief Officer, EDF -Nuward

Fuel Cycle & Waste Management

· Rebecca Tadesse, Head of Radioactive Waste Management and Decommissioning Division, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)

· RNDr. Lukáš Vondrovic, Ph.D., Director, Radioactive Waste Repository Authority (SURAO), Czech Republic

· Pierre-Marie Abadie, General Manager, ANDRA, France

· Julien Garrel , Deputy Director of Nuclear Fuel Division, EDF

· Michał Łupiński, Head of Spent Nuclear Fuel and Security Section, Radioactive Waste Management Plant, Poland

· Peter Hlbocký, Senior Project Director, Javys, Slovakia

· Bálin Nős, Director of Strategy and Technology, Public Limited Company for Radioactive Waste Management (PURAM), Hungary

· Constantin ANDREI, Vice-president, Nuclear and Radioactive Waste Agency (ANDR), Romania

· Mika Pohjonen, Managing Director, Posiva Solutions Oy

Institute & Universities & Associations

· Satu Katajala, Director, WANO Paris Centre, World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO)

· Vladimir Wagner, Scientific Secretary and Chairman of the Board, Nuclear Physics Institute CAS, Czech Republic

· Andrzej G. Chmielewski, Director General, Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Poland

· David PAUVERT, Nuclear Project Director, CEA, France

· Radek Skoda, Professor, Czech Technical University, Prague

· Larisa Dubska, Czech President, Women in Nuclear


Group Discount Before June 30th:

· 8% discount before June 30th for Sponsor and Exhibitor

· Send 2 delegates can get a 4exhibition or one free delegate pass (before June 30th)

· Send 3 delegates can get a 6exhibition or upgrade to panel sponsor (before June 30th)

· Send 4 delegates can get a 9exhibition or upgrade to presentation sponsor (before June 30th)

About the Europe Nuclear Energy & SMR Conference 2024 (ENES 2024), Nov. 13-14th | Prague, Czech Republic (ENES2024) - click here for official website:

Amidst European phased target of achieving zero emissions by 2035 and energy independence, nuclear power industry is playing a vital role in achieving a sustainable and resilient energy future for the continent. Despite facing challenges, opportunities for new nuclear power plant construction are arising in recent years, notably with advanced designs like Small Modular Reactors (SMRs). Many aging nuclear plants present chances for life extension and upgrades. Advancements in fuel cycle & waste management also offer potential for reducing the volume and radiotoxicity of nuclear waste. The conference will provide thorough updates on the civil nuclear industry in Czech Republic, Poland, France, Slovakia, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Slovenia, Finland.

After experiencing delays and cost escalations in some NPP constructions & upgrades, how would the industry solve key challenges such as lengthy regulatory approval processes, public opposition, financing constraints, human resources and skills shortages? What kind of strategies and approaches are needed for deploying SMRs soon in Europe? How to balance the pros and cons of spent fuel recycling and direct disposal for the sustainable and economical perspective? With over 240 senior attendees from the Government & Regulators, Utilities & Operators, Large Reactor & SMRs, Fuel Cycle & Waste Management, Institute & Universities, Associations, EPC & Engineering Consulting, Professional Services, Leading Technology Firms, and Other Key Stakeholders, the 2-day Europe Nuclear Energy & SMR Conference 2024 seeks to accelerate nuclear power projects and unlock the full potential of nuclear energy to contribute to European energy transition goals, while ensuring safety, sustainability, and affordability.

If you have ideas for further communication and interaction for Europe Nuclear Energy & SMR Conference 2024 (ENES 2024), Nov. 13-14th | Prague, Czech Republic (ENES2024), please feel free to email me ( or register your interest.

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Amelia Liu | Project Director| FutureNuclear 

Europe Nuclear Energy & SMR Conference 2024 (ENES 2024), Nov. 13-14th | Prague, Czech Republic (ENES2024)

Tel: +44 121 790 1818 | Mob: +86 15541922692 | Email: 

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